In a collaborative effort to improve the lives of the city and its workers, the College of Notaries of Matamoros, led by Lic. Cynthia Alejandra López Tapia, has taken a significant step by inviting the SJOIIM General Secretary, Juan Villafuerte Morales, to its first meeting of the year.
Meeting Objectives
The main goal of the meeting was to strengthen bonds and develop new projects that benefit both the city of Matamoros and its working class. The creation of worker-focused programs and the importance of awareness on essential legal aspects, such as will making, were discussed.
Importance of Making a Will
“It’s crucial for us to come together to advance as a city, and part of that is ensuring our workers are informed about the importance of making a will, to avoid future family issues,” commented General Secretary Villafuerte Morales.
Agreement with Notary Public #32
For workers interested in notarial procedures, we remind you that SJOIIM has an agreement with Notary Public #32, which facilitates access to essential notarial services under favorable conditions.
We encourage all our members to take advantage of this agreement and to get informed about how they can protect their families’ futures through will making. For more information, please approach our offices or contact Notary Public #32 directly.
The collaboration between SJOIIM and the College of Notaries is a clear example of how, by working together, we can make Matamoros a stronger and safer city for everyone. Together, we move toward a more promising future.