About Us

Our leader

We are the union with the best wages and contractual benefits. We have the most productive, efficient, trained, and stable workers in the region. 88 years of experience serve as proof that we are the most organized union in Mexico.

Juan Villafuerte Morales
Secretary-General at SJOIIM

Serving Workers for over 80 Years.

The Union has adapted to its environment, to the demands and needs that, over the years, our region has demanded and thanks to struggle, effort and perseverance, today we are a strong, solid and well-organized union.

Know our history

The SJOIIM (Sindicato de Jornaleros y Obreros Industriales) is born at the initiative of colleagues who, not having any benefits or recognition for their work by their employers, decided to organize and to start a fighting to obtain some of them for the workers and their families. The main achievements, were collective bargaining, education, decent working hours, the right to healthcare, housing, recreation and leisure, among some other needs; so the executive committee of that time began the fight and work to achieve these benefits.

The first collective contract is signed with an industry previously known as electronics, today maquiladoras, as well as with companies dedicated to shrimp processing. The fight to improve infrastructure, housing, health, sports, education, and recreation continues.

The SJOIIM has around 80 collective agreements, being one of the oldest, and the strongest in its branch at the national level, and has approximately 40,000 thousand members to whom the unity, strength and greatness of the SJOIIM is due.

We work for you

Join the union

Day by day, through the multiple service areas that SJOIIM has, we strive so that all our workers have the attention and service they need, that is why at the Union we are always thinking about how to best serve you, so that in us you find the support you need. Come join the SJOIIM family.